
This catalog includes the many types of resources produced by the individual partners and the partnership as a whole. For informal updates on partner work that might not include published products, visit our Activities page.

MAPC Data Services Showcase 2012

Presentation - By: Christian Spanring
September 13, 2012

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Kids are Commuters Too! Assessing the Mode Shift Potential of Walk to School Programs

Report - By: Metropolitan Area Planning Council, WalkBoston
July 16, 2012

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Growing Station Areas: The Variety and Potential of TOD

Report - By: Tim Reardon, Planning Research Manager , Meghna Dutta, Research Analyst
June 2012

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Boston Data Commons Demonstration of Using Weave for Transportation Planning

Video - By: Holly St. Clair
March 1, 2012

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Neighborhood Data to Support Regional Collaboration and Equity

Presentation - By: Holly St. Clair
February 29, 2012

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Structural Economic Change & Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Boston

Presentation - By: Charlotte B Kahn
February 2012

Boston Indicators

Data Day 2012 Presentation: Creating Custom Maps with the MetroBoston DataCommon

Presentation - By: Susan Brunton, GIS Analyst II, MAPC, Aditi Mehta, Research and Communications Associate, TBF
January 27, 2012

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Data Day 2012 Presentation: Using Indicators to Drive Community Change

Presentation - By: Charlotte B. Kahn, Sr. Director, Boston Indicators Project
January 27, 2012

Boston Indicators

Data Day 2012 Presentation: A Journey Through the Boston Indicators Project

Presentation - By: Jessica K Martin
January 27, 2012

Boston Indicators

Data Day 2012 Presentation: Using Indicators to Drive Community Change - A Primer

Presentation - By: Jamila Henderson, Research Analyst, MAPC
January 2012

Metropolitan Area Planning Council
