
This catalog includes the many types of resources produced by the individual partners and the partnership as a whole. For informal updates on partner work that might not include published products, visit our Activities page.

How We Published Data about Pittsburgh Parking Transactions

Blog post - By: David Walker
July 2, 2019

University Center for Social and Urban Research

From Citizen Control to Co-Production: Moving Beyond a Linear Conception of Citizen Participation

Journal Article - By: Jovanna Rosen, Gary Painter
July 1, 2019

Neighborhood Data for Social Change
Los Angeles

An Assessment of the Need for Large Units in the District of Columbia

Report - By: Peter A. Tatian, Leah Hendey, Scott Bruton
June 28, 2019

Urban–Greater DC
Washington, D.C.

How to Use Storytelling to Increase the Impacts of Research

Blog post - By: Yvonne Michael, Jana Hirsch, Vaishnavi Vaidya
June 27, 2019

Urban Health Collaborative

Data, urban agriculture and opportunity zones: Lessons from Milwaukee

Blog post - By: Ely Portillo
June 20, 2019

UNC Charlotte Urban Institute

NNIP Partner Meeting Recap from Milwaukee

Blog post - By: Bob Gradeck
June 17, 2019

University Center for Social and Urban Research

NNIP Showcase, Part 3 (June 2019)

Video - By: Kassie Scott, Paulina Cano McCutcheon, Mariko Toyoji, Erik Woodworth, Rob Pitingolo
June 14, 2019

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Renovating our online home: A user-centered approach to redesigning a local data website

Meeting Materials - By: Mariko Toyoji
June 14, 2019

Communities Count

Neighborhood Data for Social Change

Meeting Materials - By: Caroline Bhalla
June 14, 2019

Neighborhood Data for Social Change
Los Angeles

Reflective Closing Session (June 2019)

Video - By: Rob Pitingolo, Kathy Pettit
June 14, 2019

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator
