
This catalog includes the many types of resources produced by the individual partners and the partnership as a whole. For informal updates on partner work that might not include published products, visit our Activities page.

Framing Page for NNIP Showcase, Part 3 (September 2024)

Meeting Materials - By: Urban Institute
September 25, 2024

Neighborhood Data for Social Change
Los Angeles
New Haven - Connecticut
CTData Collaborative
Hartford - Connecticut
Communities Count

Supporting Community Arts & Culture with Local Data

Meeting Materials - By: Urban Institute
September 25, 2024

Data Driven Detroit (D3)
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
University Center for Social and Urban Research
Neighborhood Data for Social Change
Los Angeles

Framing Page for Fostering Data Literacy: Helping People Be Curious and Confident Session

Meeting Materials - By: Urban Institute
September 24, 2024

Urban Health Collaborative
Data Driven Detroit (D3)
University Center for Social and Urban Research

Framing Page: Using Data to Guide Strategies for Closing the Racial Wealth Gap

Meeting Materials - By: Leah Hendey
September 24, 2024

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator
The Data Center
New Orleans

Framing Page for NNIP Showcase, Part 2 (September 2024)

Meeting Materials - By: Urban Institute
September 24, 2024

DataWorks NC
Center on Poverty and Community Development
Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy
New York
Center for Urban and Regional Affairs
Minneapolis-St. Paul

NNIP Detroit 2024 Meeting-Full Packet.pdf

Meeting Materials - By: Urban Institute
September 23, 2024

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Framing Page for NNIP Showcase, Part 1 (September 2024)

Meeting Materials - By: Urb
September 23, 2024

Data Driven Detroit (D3)
Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC)
St. Louis
Neighborhood Data for Social Change
Los Angeles
New Haven - Connecticut

Framing Page for Collaborating with Community Journalists to Tackle Investor-Owned Housing

Meeting Materials - By: Urban Institute
September 23, 2024

Data Driven Detroit (D3)
Center on Poverty and Community Development

NNIP Code of Conduct and Meeting Norms, 2024

Meeting Materials - By: Urban Institute
September 16, 2024

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Use of Force Report

Blog post - By: Ally Scott, S.M. Asger Ali, Marc McAlevey, Jay Colbert, Alli Kraus, Kayla Duncan
August 29, 2024

The Polis Center
