
This catalog includes the many types of resources produced by the individual partners and the partnership as a whole. For informal updates on partner work that might not include published products, visit our Activities page.

Los Angeles NNIP Partner Meeting Recap

Blog post - By: Bob Gradeck
November 15, 2018

University Center for Social and Urban Research

Librarians as Critical Infrastructure in Data Ecosystems

Presentation - By: Bob Gradeck
November 13, 2018

University Center for Social and Urban Research

Utilizing data-driven technology tools for community-led solutions to vacant properties and urban blight

Presentation - By: Amanda Davis
November 13, 2018

Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance

Sample Position Description: Information Design Specialist

Job Description - By: D3
November 13, 2018

Data Driven Detroit (D3)

Identifying Latent Ridership

Report - By: John Park, Kyle Shelton
November 2018

Kinder Institute for Urban Research

APPAM: Mobilizing Data-Driven Outreach for 2020 Census

Presentation - By: Kathryn Pettit
November 10, 2018

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Using Linked Property Data for Community Action

Presentation - By: Kathryn Pettit
November 7, 2018

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator
Center on Poverty and Community Development
Data Driven Detroit (D3)
Urban–Greater DC
Washington, D.C.

The Role of Data in Disaster Recovery

Presentation - By: Allison Plyer
November 7, 2018

The Data Center
New Orleans
