Subprime and High Interest Rate Mortgage Lending in the Washington, D.C., Region
Website by NeighborhoodInfo DC
March 2007
Urban Institute (NNIP Coordinator)
This portal on the NeighborhoodInfo DC website provides information on subprime and high interest rate mortgage lending in the Washington, D.C. Region. The fact sheet looks at the latest data on subprime mortgage lending and high interest rate loans from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) for the 25 jurisdictions that make up the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. A full set of supporting tables and charts with the data discussed in this fact sheet can be found on the NeighborhoodInfo DC website. In addition to the data, the website has a wealth of resources to provide further information on Subprime Lending and the role it plays locally and nationally.