NOWCastSA MLK Day March

News article by Laura C. McKieran
January 22, 2013

Community Information Now (CINow)   (San Antonio)

With the San Antonio communities' help and photos, NOWCastSA created the People's MLK Slideshow to document San Antonio's 100,000-person march honoring civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.
Whenever live coverage meets high tech, on-the-fly learning is part for the course. So this week in San Antonio, Texas, the staff of NOWcastSA wasn't deterred when their initial plans for live crowdsourced coverage of a huge community event hit major technical glitches. Here's how they quickly jumped to plan B, and beyond, until they found a combination of tools and processes that worked.
"Don't sweat it if you're up to plan D!" laughed managing director Charlotte-Anne Lucas. "Stay creative and focused. There are always options."

Additional information visit:  Covering San Antonio's MLK Day

NOWCastSA MLK Day Photos visit: NOWCastSA Covering MLK Day

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