
This catalog includes the many types of resources produced by the individual partners and the partnership as a whole. For informal updates on partner work that might not include published products, visit our Activities page.

NNIP Partners Support a Complete Count in 2020

Report - By: Olivia Arena
September 2019

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Turning the Corner in the Twin Cities

Report - By: Gretchen Nicholls, LISC Twin Cities, Brian Pittman, Wilder Research, Ela Rausch, Federal Reserve Board of Minneapolis, Jeff Matson, University of Minnesota
September 10, 2019

Center for Urban and Regional Affairs
Minneapolis-St. Paul

Mobilizing Youth: Engaging Young People in Making Community Change

Report - By: Camille H. Anoll
September 9, 2019

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Rethinking Violence Prevention in Oakland, CA

Report - By: Urban Strategies Council
September 2019

Urban Strategies Council

Meeting the Washington Region’s Future Housing Needs: A Framework for Regional Deliberations

Report - By: Margery Austin Turner, Leah Hendey, Maya Brennan, Peter Tatian, Kathryn Reynolds
September 4, 2019

Urban–Greater DC
Washington, D.C.

Equity Analysis of Baltimore City's Capital Improvement Plan, FY2014-FY2020

Report - By: Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance
August 2019

Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance

A Measure of Gentrification for Use in Longitudinal Public Health Studies in the United States

Report - By: Jana Hirsch, Leah Schinasi
August 2019

Urban Health Collaborative

Close to Home: The Health of Philadelphia's Neighborhoods

Report - By: Urban Health Collaborative and the Philadelphia Department of Public Health
August 2019

Urban Health Collaborative
