NNIP Partner Application: Children’s Optimal Health
This is the application of Children's Optimal Health of Austin, Texas to join NNIP. Through a commitment to shared data, collaboration, and ongoing communication, Children’s Optimal Health is a collective leadership initiative to ensure that every child in Central Texas becomes a healthy, productive adult engaged in his or her community. The goal of COH is to use visual images to inform policy, improve operations, promote research, and mobilize the community to better the lives of our children and youth. It represents an organization that was largely playing the role of the local data intermediary when they approached NNIP about membership.
COH began as an informal collaborative committed to improving the health and well-being of children by working across organizational institutions. Eighty-four agencies came together and identified 4 areas of focus: linking and leveraging our existing resources; coordinating community messaging and education; using technology; and research and best practices to solve community problems. The organization became a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in 2009.