Lessons on Data Management Practices for Local Data Intermediaries
This brief is designed to help data intermediary organizations develop and improve part of the data management process known as ETL (Extract, Transform and Load). It provides advice and lessons learned from organizations in the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership that successful use ETL techniques. It is important to periodically review the ETL process to ensure current practices are efficient, producing high quality data, and meeting the organization's and community's needs. Case studies from five organizations are included to illustrate the ETL process in practice.
This brief was developed under the federally-supported "Community Health Data Project Services" project. The project team provided technical assistance for organizations seeking to serve as local data intermediaries and ultimately support institutions and residents in addressing racial inequities in quality of life and public health. The project team also produced briefs on business and strategic planning for local data intermediaries, "The Business of a Local Data Intermediary" and "A Tool for Organizational Planning: The Business Model Canvas."
Washington, DC: Urban Institute and the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership