
This catalog includes the many types of resources produced by the individual partners and the partnership as a whole. For informal updates on partner work that might not include published products, visit our Activities page.

NNIPCamp May 2017: NNIP & the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Meeting Materials - By: Seema Iyer, Tom Kingsley
May 19, 2017

Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance
Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Closing Session (May 2017)

Video - By: Rob Pitingolo, Kathy Pettit
May 19, 2017

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

NNIPCamp May 2017: Tools to make census data processing more efficient

Meeting Materials - By: April Urban
May 19, 2017

Center on Poverty and Community Development

Menti Poll Slides

Meeting Materials - By: NNIP HQ
May 19, 2017

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Property Dashboard

Presentation - By: Steve Saylor
May 19, 2017

University Center for Social and Urban Research

Toxic Risk: Using PUMS Data to Estimate Risk for Toxic Stress

Presentation - By: Tim Bray
May 19, 2017

Institute for Urban Policy Research

Menti Poll Data

Meeting Materials - By: NNIP HQ
May 19, 2017

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Toxic Risk: Using PUMS Data to Estimate Risk for Toxic Stress

Presentation - By: Tim Bray
May 19, 2017

Institute for Urban Policy Research

Ignite Showcase, Part 3 (May 2017)

Video - By: Olivia Arena, Steve Saylor, Tim Bray, Carrie Koss Vallejo, Rob Pitingolo
May 19, 2017

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator
