
This catalog includes the many types of resources produced by the individual partners and the partnership as a whole. For informal updates on partner work that might not include published products, visit our Activities page.

Framing Page for Supporting Local Governments Session

Meeting Materials - By: Urban Institute
May 18, 2017

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Infographics: Disseminating Significant Data to the Community

Presentation - By: Bernardo Espinosa
May 18, 2017

The Data Center
New Orleans

Intern-Fellows Skills Inventory

Protocol/Methods - By: Katie Pritchard
May 18, 2017

Data You Can Use

Advancing the Role of Neighborhoods in Health

Video - By: Hillary Heishman, Amy Carroll-Scott, Laura McKieran, Sarah Morgan
May 18, 2017

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Connecting to HIEs

Presentation - By: Laura McKieran
May 18, 2017

Community Information Now (CINow)
San Antonio

Framing Page for A World of Dashboards Session

Meeting Materials - By: Urban Institute
May 18, 2017

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Supporting Local Governments

Video - By: Noah Urban, Megan Johanson, April Urban, Alicia Rouault
May 18, 2017

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Inaugural NNIP Network Awards

Video - By: Rob Pitingolo, Tom Kingsley
May 18, 2017

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Merging Local Health & Wellbeing Data

Presentation - By: Camille Seaberry
May 18, 2017


NNIPCamp May 2017: Business Models of Local Data Intermediaries

Meeting Materials - By: Leah Hendey, Sara McTarnaghan
May 18, 2017

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator
