
This catalog includes the many types of resources produced by the individual partners and the partnership as a whole. For informal updates on partner work that might not include published products, visit our Activities page.

State Open Data Portal Scan for Children and Families Data

Protocol/Methods - By: Kassie Scott
April 2019

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

NNIP Partners' Census 2020 Survey Questions

Protocol/Methods - By: Urban Institute
April 11, 2019

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Leveraging Administrative Data to Better Serve Children and Families

Journal Article - By: Rob Fischer, Francisca García‐Cobián Richter, Elizabeth Anthony, Nina Lalich, Claudia Coulton
April 2, 2019

Center on Poverty and Community Development

Urban trees, air quality, and asthma: An interdisciplinary review

Journal Article - By: Theodore S. Eisenman, Galina Churkina, Sunit P. Jariwala, Prashant Kumar, Gina S. Lovasi, Diane E. Pataki, Kate R. Weinberger, Thomas H. Whitlow
April 2, 2019

Urban Health Collaborative

How Child Advocates Can Work With State Governments To Advocate For Open Data

Presentation - By: Kathryn Pettit, Rob Pitingolo, Florencia Gutierrez, Deborah Stein
March 20, 2019

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

The Financial Impact of the Census in Texas

Website - By: Community Information Now
March 17, 2019

Community Information Now (CINow)
San Antonio

Data and Technology Groups Can Improve the 2020 Census Count

Report - By: Kathryn L.S.Pettit
March 12, 2019

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Equitable Development and Urban Park Space

Report - By: Mary Bogle, Somala Diby, Mychal Cohen
March 7, 2019

Urban–Greater DC
Washington, D.C.

Digital Access Indicators

Website - By: BNIA

Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance
