
This catalog includes the many types of resources produced by the individual partners and the partnership as a whole. For informal updates on partner work that might not include published products, visit our Activities page.

Making Data Accessible: Foreclosure Tracking in Washington, DC

Report - By: Peter A. Tatian, Rebecca Grace, Jennifer Comey
July 1, 2013

Urban–Greater DC
Washington, D.C.

Strengthening Local Capacity For Data-Driven Decisionmaking

Report - By: G. Thomas Kingsley, Kathryn L.S. Pettit, Leah Hendey
June 2013

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Accounting for Dynamic Families and Communities in Place-Based Evaluations

Presentation - By: Brett Theodos, Claudia Coulton
June 27, 2013

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

From Information to Action: Lessons from NNIP for Place-Base Initiatives

Presentation - By: Kathy Pettit
June 27, 2013

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

D3 + UIX INSIGHT: Funding Innovation

Blog post - By: Kat Hartman
June 22, 2013

Data Driven Detroit (D3)

Welcome to NNIPCamp and Ignite Showcase

Video - By: Rob Pitingolo, Tom Warshauer, Mike Schramm, Max Weselcouch, Tim Bray, Jeff Matson, Scott Gaul, Liza Morehead, Jay Colbert
June 21, 2013

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Reflective Closing Session

Video - By: The Urban Institute
June 21, 2013

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Reassessing Roles in a Changing Local Data Environment

Video - By: Tom Kingsley, Jacob Wasclaus, Kurt Metzger, Tahmida Shamsuddin
June 21, 2013

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

Using Environmental Data To Inform And Engage Communities In Sustainability

Presentation - By: Tom Warshauer
June 21, 2013

Guest Organization
