
This catalog includes the many types of resources produced by the individual partners and the partnership as a whole. For informal updates on partner work that might not include published products, visit our Activities page.

Partner's Perspective: NNIP and Open Data in Baltimore

Report - By: Eric Burnstein, Seema Iyer
September 3, 2014

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator
Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance

Moving Beyond the Gap: Racial Disparities in LISC Building Sustainable Communities Areas

Website - By: Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, LISC Twin Cities
September 2014

Center for Urban and Regional Affairs
Minneapolis-St. Paul

NNIP Local Partner Finance Survey

Protocol/Methods - By: Tom Kingsley, Sharon Kandris
August 31, 2014

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

How Healthy are Children Across the New Austin Council Districts?

Report - By: Children's Optimal Health
August 29, 2014

Children's Optimal Health

NNIP Network Update

Presentation - By: Kathy Pettit
August 2014

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator

The Randomizer

Website - By: Urban Strategies Council

Urban Strategies Council

Data Tools: Housing MA

Presentation - By: Jessie Partridge
August 7, 2014

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

NNIP Idea Showcase & Network Update - Video

Video - By: Kathy Pettit, John Garvey, Seok-Joo Kim, Jessie Partridge, Diane Gavarkavich, Maia Woluchem
August 7, 2014

Urban Institute
NNIP Coordinator
Urban Strategies Council
Center on Poverty and Community Development
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
UNC Charlotte Urban Institute

Plans for New Data Stories: Transforming Integrated Data Systems Data into Neighborhood Indicators

Presentation - By: Diane Gavarkavich
August 2014

UNC Charlotte Urban Institute
