
This catalog includes the many types of resources produced by the individual partners and the partnership as a whole. For informal updates on partner work that might not include published products, visit our Activities page.

Data Stewardship & Sustainability Strategy Guide

Meeting Materials - By: Mike Bolam, Aaron Brenner, Matt Burton, Nora Mattern
May 5, 2015

University Center for Social and Urban Research

Restaurant list for Pittsburgh

Meeting Materials - By: UCSUR
May 5, 2015

University Center for Social and Urban Research

Beyond the riots: Is there hope for Baltimore? A reporter's notebook from that city's streets

News article - By: James Ford
May 4, 2015

Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance

Understanding Neighborhood Context #OneBaltimore

Blog post - By: Alange Jacobs
May 4, 2015

Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance

CommunityViewer: integrating data for community action

Report - By: CI:Now
April 2015

Community Information Now (CINow)
San Antonio

Mapping cankerworms in Charlotte

News article - By: Mary Newsom
April 2015

UNC Charlotte Urban Institute
City of Charlotte

Where Banks are Investing in Metro Atlanta

Blog post - By: Mike Carnathan
April 2015

(Inactive) Atlanta Regional Commission

The Coastal Index: Tracking development of the water management cluster in Southeast Louisiana

Report - By: Nihal Shrinath, Allison Plyer
April 20, 2015

The Data Center
New Orleans
