City government partnerships
This category contains examples of partner work that directly and/or substantially involves city government agencies either as a client or partner.It also includes examples of city government action that analysis by NNIP partners directly influenced. By looking at examples of these types of relationships and outcomes, we see that data intermediary work can rely on and feed into government at the local level.
Pittsburgh NNIP partner, the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center, is part of a committed team bringing participatory data governance to the City of Pittsburgh. The Black Equity Coalition (... [read more]
IMS director Sheila Martin has joined the board of the Innovation Quadrant (IQ) and is developing a data strategy to measure its impact, both within and... [read more]
IMS is working with the City of Milwaukie to write a Housing Affordability Strategy. It will serve as an overarching framework, combining existing land use inventory, needs assessments, and... [read more]
In early 2016 a group of data professionals, along with numerous consumers of data from philanthropy, local governments, and nonprofits, came together to assess where the San Antonio region stood... [read more]
"We need to make more robust use of Case Western Reserve's NEO CANDO NST Web App," said Cleveland Heights Councilman Kahlil Seren during a discussion on foreclosure among the candidates running... [read more]
The Pittsburgh Regional Data Center will provide an open data platform for our partners in local government and community organizations across the region. The Data Center will also provide an... [read more]
An audience of 178 housing experts, government analysts, nonprofit leaders and others gathered for the second annual Charlotte Data Day. The day-long event, hosted by the UNC Charlotte Urban... [read more]
The DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey (DCWS) uses probability sampling to create highly-reliable local information that is not available from any other public data source. The DCWS ... [read more]
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