Child Welfare
In the fall of 2013, in collaboration with Children’s Mercy Hospital (CMH) of Kansas City, CEI was awarded grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for research... [read more]
The Pittsburgh Study will follow children in Allegheny County from birth through high school. It is the largest community-partnered intervention study to follow children over time. ... [read more]
At the request of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, which funds the KIDS COUNT network, the authors conducted research to explore how these state data efforts couldbring greater benefits... [read more]
At what level does lead exposure become dangerous for children?
Dr. Robert Fischer, Co-Director of the Poverty Center, and Dr. Elizabeth Anthony, Research Assistant... [read more]
On November 5, 2015, Dr. Claudia Coulton presented the talk "Exploring the Impact of Foster Care and Juvenile Justice Involvement on Future... [read more]
In an editorial to the Cleveland Plain Dealer on November 1, Poverty Center Co-Director Dr. Rob Fischer discussed the magnitude of the... [read more]
In the series "Toxic Neglect", the Cleveland Plain Dealer has been running stories on the problems of lead poisoning on young children. Dr. Robert Fischer, co-director of the Poverty... [read more]
The Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County has been hosting Communities of Learning for all of its funded programs. They began by grouping all of their funded programs into four... [read more]
CI:Now gathered and analyzed the data for the past several editions of Voices for Children of San Antonio’s Child Data Report, which you... [read more]
Last week we were awarded an implementation grant from the Aspen Forum for Community Solutions for our Oakland-Alameda County... [read more]
The Pittsburgh Neighborhood and Community Information System (PNCIS) within the University Center for Social and Urban Research at the University of Pittsburgh is working with the Allegheny County... [read more]
The Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development (CUPCD), based at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University, is working with the... [read more]
The RI DataHUB is a multi-agency longitudinal data system for anyone interested in the well-being of people in Rhode Island. The DataHUB brings together data sets from multiple federal, state and... [read more]
InfoWorks is a collaborative effort between the Rhode Island Department of Education and The Providence Plan. The InfoWorks site is designed as user-friendly, easily accessible resource for anyone... [read more]
Community Link and the Sacramento County Children’s Coalition are in the process of producing a new series of “Action Briefs” that target specific areas of concern for children, youth and young... [read more]
Marion County Commission on Youth, Inc. coordinates the strategic planning and service delivery of the EIP initiative, which involves hundreds of youth and family service providers, data providers... [read more]
In late 2010, the Urban Strategies Council and Oakland Unified School District, in partnership with the East Bay Community Foundation, launched a bold new initiative aimed at addressing the... [read more]
Urban Strategies Council facilitated, with the Oakland Unified School District, a nine-month planning process with the multi-stakeholder Full Service Community Task Force. We produced a... [read more]
On May 30th at 10am Pacific, Urban Strategies Council and the Oakland Unified School... [read more]