How Child Advocates Can Work With State Governments To Advocate For Open Data

March 20, 2019 - 2:00pm

Kathryn Pettit
Rob Pitingolo
Florencia Gutierrez
Deborah Stein

Kathryn Pettit and Rob Pitingolo will present on their research to explore how these state data efforts couldbring greater benefits tolocalcommunities. We will also hear comments from Deborah Stein, a data advocate, and Florencia Gutierrez of the Annie E. Casey Foundation KIDS COUNT network.

The research includes a brief, with details from the interviews with child advocates and open data providers, as well as two fact sheets. One describing five steps that states can take and five steps that child advocates can take to advance child well-being through open data. There is a supplemental open data portal scan from a selected number of state governments.

The authors also manage the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP), which has developed many resources for community data analysis and use.

Resources mentioned during live webinar:


Video recap: