NCES 2012 Summer Forum and 25th Annual STATS-DC 2012 Data Conference
The Summer Data Conference is an opportunity for professional networking, updates on federal and national activities affecting data collection and reporting, and information about the best new approaches in collecting, reporting, and using education statistics. The Summer Data Conference will include training and business meetings for state CCD and EDFacts data coordinators. In addition, NCES postsecondary education experts will provide sessions that increase your knowledge of postsecondary data environments and data systems such as IPEDS. There will also be a range of informative sessions targeted toward interests in Common Core of Data, Common Education Data Standards, data collection, data management, data privacy, data dissemination, data linking beyond K-12, data standards, data quality, data usage, growth models, education research, school finance, and Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems. Learn more here