St. Louis Neighborhood Market DrillDown Event at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Rise (St. Louis)
October 2011
In October 2011, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis convened nearly 200 participants to a symposium on neighborhood indicators and data‐driven strategies. The symposium was focused around the St. Louis Neighborhood Market DrillDown, alternative, strength-based market data created in partnership with Social Compact for the entirety of St. Louis City and North St. Louis County. Symposium participants came together in working sessions to develop a vision, define focus areas, identify barriers, formulate solutions and define next steps in the areas of financial service access, food access, the business environment and philanthropy.
Guest speakers included Alyssa Lee, Director of Social Compact; Tim Bray, Director of The Institute for Urban Policy Research at the University of Texas at Dallas; John Weidman, Deputy Executive Director of the Food Trust in Philadelphia; and Trinita Logue, President of IFF in Chicago.
The St. Louis Neighborhood Market DrillDown is a community-based collaboration co-chaired by Rise (formerly Regional Housing and Community Development Alliance) and Housing and Community Solutions, in partnership with Social Compact. Financial support is provided by St. Louis County, the PNC Foundation, Commerce Bank, US Bank, the Garfield Foundation and an anonymous St. Louis family foundation.
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