Neighborhood Parcel Tool

Data Driven Detroit (D3)   (Detroit)

September 2012

Up-to-date property information is essential to revitalization efforts in Detroit’s neighborhoods. Data at the parcel level provides the most detailed and fine-grained picture of local conditions. To support Detroit LISC’s Building Sustainable Communities Initiative, Data Driven Detroit (D3) is pleased to announce a new parcel tool to support planning and development in the Grand/Woodward, Grandmont Rosedale, and Springwells Village neighborhoods. This interactive map combines multiple public data sources in one interface, greatly reducing the time needed to research parcel-level information.

We have included a new feature that allows users to interactively visualize parcel conditions by theme for the area of their choice. Users can also view and print parcel reports that include information about tax status, ownership, structure details, vacancy, neighborhood amenities, and more.

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