d[COM]munity Interactive Mapping Tool

Data Driven Detroit (D3)   (Detroit)

January 2014 - May 2015

Throughout 2014, D3 partnered with Community Development Advocates of Detroit (CDAD) to create the d[COM]munity interactive mapping tool designed to collect data on community groups, block clubs and other organizations operating in the City of Detroit and display these data with a public facing interactive web based map tool. d[COM]munity has two main components: a web based survey instrument to gather organizations’ information and an interactive map tool allowing organizations to define their service area by drawing on a map. With this tool, CDAD can gain a better understanding of gaps/overlaps in services, and residents can locate services offered in their neighborhood. The survey has been live since September 2014. The interactive map tool is in the final stages of development, with public release expected spring 2015.

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